5 Business Templates for Personal Trainers

Every personal trainer is busy.

Whether it’s working with clients or managing a facility, most PTs are strapped for time.

To help trainers save time (and money), we’ve released “freebies” every week for the last year. These “freebies” are free coach resources we put together to address a need in your business.

If you’d like to check out our entire library of freebies, click here.

With that, let’s get to the 5 business templates we’ve made for personal trainers.

Client Liability Waiver

It’s always a good idea to protect yourself and your business.

Superset’s liability waiver is an easy, no-cost way of outlining your services.

The template lives in Google Docs, making it convenient for you to make changes and edits.

To download the client liability waiver, click here.

PAR-Q Form

“PAR-Q” stands for Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire.

It’s a document for fitness coaches and personal trainers to use when onboarding clients.

I’ve used this template to learn about my clients’ health history. And determine whether they are physically prepared to work with me.

If a client does not meet the PAR-Q requirements, it’s best practice to refer the client to a medical professional. Once they’re cleared, they can begin working with you.

Click here to access the PAR-Q.

Social Media Release

Content has exploded in the last decade.

Naturally, coaches use social media to get more clients and promote their business.

If you share photos, videos, or blurbs of existing clients on social media, it’s a good idea to make sure they’re okay with it.

This Social Media Release helps coaches protect themselves when posting client content on social media.

You can also integrate it into Superset with ease. Watch this video to see how.

Client Cancellation Policy

We don’t expect this to happen…

But just in case, it’s generally a good idea to have a client cancellation policy.

Sometimes, this can live in your liability waiver. But we made a standalone policy to make sure you’re covered.

The forms are divided by what type of coach you are. We have policies for in-person, hybrid, or online coaches. Feel free to save them all.

Click here to access the template.

Testimonial Request Form

One of the best ways to grow your business is by sharing testimonials.

But, it can be tough to ask clients for reviews of your service. That’s why we made a testimonial request form.

It has curated questions to help your clients write the best review of your business or service.

Lots of coaches attach this Google Doc in their clients’ profiles in Superset. Click here for free access!


Every single one of our freebies is built with personal trainers in mind.

It’s our mission to create resources that serve you and your business.

If you found this article helpful, consider sharing it with a coach friend. And if you’d like to access more of our 50+ free resources, click here.

Happy coaching 💙

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