Go Viral: Create Videos That Attract Clients

Social media has become a huge part of fitness culture. We’ve heard from so many personal training clients that their journey towards fitness didn’t start with deep introspection, it started with a TikTok. 

If you know how to create viral videos that inspire clients to take action, you can generate a continual flow of leads to make your personal training business thrive. 

What is a Viral Video Series?

A viral video series is a collection of related short-form videos that consistently garner high engagement and reach. The key is that these videos can be slightly tweaked and reposted, maintaining their appeal and continuing to attract viewers. 

For fitness professionals, this could be a series of quick workout tips, nutrition hacks, or motivational content that resonates with your target audience.

The Viral Video Playbook for Fitness Professionals

1. Ideation: Find Your Winning Concept

Start by looking at other successful fitness creators for inspiration. What types of content are they producing that gets high engagement? Consider:

  • Before and after transformations
  • Quick, effective workout routines
  • Nutrition tips and meal prep ideas
  • Myth-busting fitness facts

Remember, the goal is to find a concept that you can repeat with slight variations.

Pro Tip: Use Superset’s Free Social Media Writing Guide to develop a voice on social media and write captions that convert.

2. Testing: Embrace the Experimental Mindset

Once you have some ideas, it’s time to test them out. Remember, not every video is going to be a viral hit – and that’s okay! Treat each video as a mini experiment to see what works and what doesn’t with your audience.

Post consistently and track your engagement rates, view counts, and follower growth. Double down on the series that get the most traction. Don’t be afraid to pivot and try new things if a series falls flat—it’s all valuable data.

3. Content Types: Understanding the Funnel

Viral videos serve a specific purpose in your content strategy. They’re top-of-funnel content designed to increase your reach and visibility. However, it’s crucial to remember that you need a mix of content types:

  • Viral videos: Attract new viewers
  • Educational content: Provide value and establish expertise
  • Client success stories: Build trust and credibility
  • Call-to-action posts: Convert viewers into clients

Maximizing Your Viral Success

Once you’ve created a successful viral video series, it’s time to capitalize on that traffic. Direct new followers to an easy way to work with you. With Superset, you can create a streamlined application process for potential clients. Include this link in your bio and mention it in your videos to convert viewers into leads.

Remember, consistency is key. Keep testing, tweaking, and posting your viral series alongside your regular content. With persistence and the right strategy, you’ll see your client list grow along with your follower count.

Ready to turn your viral success into business growth? Try Superset today and streamline your client onboarding process.

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