TrueCoach Alternatives: Comparing the Top 4 Personal Training Platforms

In this article, we’re going to look at 4 of the top personal training platforms and provide an in-depth look into each one including the core features, strengths and weaknesses, and who each platform is right for.

If you’re currently using TrueCoach as your coaching software, or if you’re currently in the process of researching the best workflow tools for personal trainers, this article is for you.

The top 4 personal training platforms that we’re going to cover include:

Let’s get started.


Superset is a “business-in-a-box” solution for modern fitness coaches. We’re also the fastest-growing platform for online fitness professionals.

Core Features

The core features of Superset include:

  • Superset Sheets: Crafting client programs isn’t rocket science. Yet, many platforms constrain you within rigid parameters or outdated software. Superset recognizes that the simplicity of spreadsheets is unparalleled. Why reinvent the wheel when you can have the ease of what works best?

  • Automated Check-ins: This feature helps coaches ensure your clients are progressing. And, getting everything they need to be successful. Coaches can create custom questions or use the default set Superset provides.

  • Leads Dashboard: Every business needs one place to manage their inbound leads. Superset solves this. They give coaches the ability to collect, qualify, and convert leads into customers. All in one place!

  • No Client Limits: Other platforms penalize your business when you grow. Not Superset. Once you sign up for a paid plan, you’ll never have to worry about hitting a client limit. We don’t have one!

Strengths & Weaknesses

Pros of Superset

  • Focused on Simplicity: Compared to other platforms, Superset is far and away the easiest to use. Coaches say they choose Superset over other platforms because of how user-friendly it is. When we started building Superset, being “simple” was one of their core product pillars. And it still is. Every feature we release, we’ll keep it simple and functional.

  • Modern Workout Builder: Our team is building Superset Sheets as the simplest and most efficient coaching tool while avoiding feature bloat and clunkiness. After working alongside thousands of coaches, we understand current platforms fail to deliver the tools needed to manage a modern-day coaching business. We’re here to change that.

  • Workflow Tools That Work: Another benefit of Superset is that it’s the only platform that has workflow solutions built for the needs of a modern coach. To give you an example, Superset lets coaches build their own exercise video library. Of course, you can also use our pre-built library with 1.3K exercise videos.

  • Top-tier Customer Service: Our team is committed to building the best coaching platform out there. We’ll work day and night to ensure you’re receiving the highest quality product.

Cons of Superset

  • Lack of Integrations: Superset doesn’t parter with Whoop, Garmin, or Apple Watch yet. Some coaches prefer platforms that let their clients connect their favorite activity trackers. This is on our roadmap, and we plan on tackling this feature soon!

Who is Superset Right for?

Now that we’ve discussed the core feature and strengths and weaknesses of Superset, you can probably guess that the platform is well suited for online personal trainers and hybrid fitness coaches.

Superset has options for big and small businesses, as well as enterprise-level companies. Pricing for Superset is based on a few factors including features and how big your business is. Lastly, if you don’t want to have to invest a significant amount of resources towards learning how to use a new platform, Superset might be right for you.

If Superset seems like the right fit for you, you can sign up for a free account here.


Owned by Xplor, TrueCoach describes itself as the “#1 Personal Training Software.”

Core Features

The platform is divided into a couple core features, these include:

  • Accountability: TrueCoach does the math on compliance numbers for every client program you create. You’ll get an overall snapshot or individual details so you can give your attention to clients who need it.

  • Data Tracking: Clients can enter their workout data for each workout. This allows coaches to make decisions about their next progression with easy-to-see training data.

  • Self-Branded Exercise Demos: With TrueCoach, coaches can forget about curating workouts on YouTube and linking them to exercises on a spreadsheet. You can create your own videos, upload them to TrueCoach, and it’ll auto-link. In our experience, this costs time and $$$.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Pros of TrueCoach

  • Powerful Data Tracking: Although all the platforms in this article have advanced data tracking features, one of the strengths that coaches note is that TrueCoach is very easy to surface past workout data.

Cons of TrueCoach

  • Ease of Use: One downside of having a platform that has lots of analytics is that it can take a lot of work to get set up and might be hard to understand as your business grows.

  • Client Limits: TrueCoach doesn’t have great pricing options for coaches who are just starting out or have businesses that are growing. With client limits, you’ll pay more every time you exceed a client threshold. With Superset, you’ll never run into client limits.

Who is TrueCoach Right for?

TrueCoach is good for personal trainers who care deeply about analytics. We published an in-depth article (see here) that answers the differences between our products.

TrueCoach might be for you if you have the time to learn the software and aren’t worried about hitting client limits as your business grows.


Trainerize is the most well-known platform for personal trainers. It has a wide breadth of capabilities and is used by many enterprise-level companies. But it’s extensive features are also its biggest drawback as you’ll see…

Core Features

Trainerize has many different solutions available for fitness coaches, but a few of the most widely used include:

  • Training Templates: On both Trainerize and Superset, trainers can build training plan templates. Superset makes this a bit easier, and it takes less clicks compared to Trainerize.

  • Fitness Libraries: Trainerize comes with multiple libraries of professionally created pre-built exercises, workouts, and programs. This makes getting started easy.

  • Client Tracking: As mentioned previously, every platform in this list has client tracking capabilities. But like TrueCoach, Trainerize also excels in this regard. Clients can track workouts, nutrition, progress photos, and more with the Trainerize mobile app.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Pros of Trainerize

  • Lots of Features: From nutrition to habits, and everything in between, Trainerize offers a host of tools for coaches to use. This gives every coach, no matter what area you specialize in, the ability to use Trainerize.

  • Different Types of Workouts: With Trainerize, you can build general sports or conditioning workouts, group training, cardio workouts, intervals, super sets, and progressions.

Cons of Trainerize

  • Lots of Features: Even though there are lots of features for coaches to use, in our experience, this is the platform’s biggest shortcoming. We found the tools to be bloated and hard-to-use.

  • Price: Like every other platform (except Superset), the more you grow, the more you’ll pay.

Who is Trainerize Right for?

Since Trainerize is priced a bit higher depending on the plan, they tend to attract more established businesses and enterprise-level clients. The majority of businesses that use Trainerize fall into these categories.

A smaller percentage of online trainers use Trainerize due to limitations like not having the ability to create check-in forms.

If you’re looking for a single platform that allows you to coach in a bunch of different areas, Trainerize may be a good fit for you.


Similar to Trainerize, Everfit is a general software for personal trainers with lots of different features, allowing coaches with different background to quickly get started on the platform.

Core Features

Everfit’s main features include:

  • Workout Builder: With a powerful workout builder, coaches on Everfit can choose any workout format to create programs with a combination of exercises, supersets, intervals, AMRAPs, and timed routines. This includes functionality for %1RM and alternate exercises.

  • Integrated Nutrition: Everfit offers coaches the ability to integrate with other popular nutrition tools like MyFitnessPal and Garmin, eliminating the need to toggle between multiple fitness apps.

  • Teams: Collaboration is key for coaches using Everfit. You can grow your team at no additional cost and collaborate with team members to deliver a more consistent and impactful training experience.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Pros of Everfit

  • Breadth of Integrations: One of Everfit’s strengths is that they can unify data sources across your entire company.

  • Customizable Forms: Unlike Trainerize, Everfit does give coaches the ability to create custom questions for check-in forms.

Cons of Everfit

  • Client Limits: Again, every other platform (except Superset) has client limits. The more you grow, the more you’ll pay. Which can add up quick!

  • Ease of Use: We found Everfit hard to use and confusing. While it looks nice, the features aren’t very robust.

  • Fees: When you complete a payment offer on Everfit, you’ll get hit with lots of fees! With Superset, you never have to worry about transaction or management fees.

Who is Everfit Right for?

Everfit serves coaches who don’t want to be super hands on with their business. After signing up, you’ll be assigned an account manager where they’ll manage most of your business.

This makes more sense for content creators and coaches who are focusing on growing on social media.

Summary: Comparing the Top 4 Personal Training Software Platforms

In this article, we looked at 4 of the top personal training software platforms: Superset, TrueCoach, Trainerize, and Everfit. As discussed, if you’re looking for a platform with more features, Trainerize or Everfit may be good for you.

On the other hand, if you want a platform with no client limits, the most powerful workout builder on the market, and the ability to manage leads all in once place, Superset might be the better option.

Again, one of the main differences between Superset and every other platform is how simple it is to use.

You won’t need to invest a ton of resources in learning how to use Superset, or transitioning your business from another platform to Superset.

If Superset seems like the right fit for you, you can sign up for free here.

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