Becoming a Fitness Trainer: How to Get Started and Streamline Your Business

When you’re passionate about physical fitness, the prospect of becoming a fitness trainer can seem daunting but exhilarating. Becoming a fitness trainer allows you to make an impact on other people’s lives while helping them to focus on their own health. 

No matter the size of the goals, helping someone achieve a healthier life is a rewarding experience. But how do you get started? Here we’re outlining the basics to becoming a fitness trainer.

Get the Right Certifications

The most important step in becoming a fitness trainer is getting the right certifications. Your potential clients will expect you to be certified, as that’s how they will determine that you are a legitimate and valuable trainer. The certifications you need will depend largely on what kind of fitness trainer you intend to become and the environment in which you’d like to practice.

Becoming a Personal Trainer 

If becoming a personal trainer is your goal, you’ll need to get certified by a government-backed body or school. There are numerous agencies that certify personal trainers, and each has their own curriculums. Be sure to do your research prior to signing up for a course to ensure that you’re getting certified with an accredited organization. The most recognized certifying bodies are ACE, NSCA, AFAA, and NASM

Becoming a Group Fitness Instructor 

If you’d like to become a group fitness instructor, you can get certified with a body such as ACE, AFAA, and NASM for general group fitness or a specialized organization such as Schwinn, Zumba, Les Mills, or TRX depending on which kind of class you’d like to specialize in. Being certified as a group fitness instructor or personal trainer is the majority of the legwork needed to become a fitness instructor. 

Streamline Your Business with Superset 

Once you are certified, the best thing you can do to set yourself apart from the rest is to look for ways to streamline your business. As a fitness coach or professional, you will have day to day tasks such as payments, onboarding, admin tasks, and more. Superset is a great way to tackle those tasks, and recently they created the most robust workout programming tool on the market – Superset Sheets

Superset Sheets is the first spreadsheet to fitness app generator and it drastically speeds up the time it takes to program workouts for a coach. Using Superset Sheets, you can easily monitor and update your workouts, making sure everyone is held accountable while streamlining the process of programming. 

Promote Yourself

Now that you are certified and have organized a streamlined workflow, you need to start promoting yourself as a fitness coach. Before you dive right into advertising, try to identify who your ideal client is. Who do you think will benefit the most from working with you?

Once you’ve identified your ideal client base, start looking for promotional opportunities in those areas. Look for local area businesses that offer services to the clients that you want to serve and see if they’d be willing to promote your services to their customers.

Wrapping Up

At the end of the day, becoming a fitness trainer requires hard work and dedication. But with the right certifications, necessary tools, and promotional tactics, you can make a successful career out of helping others achieve their personal fitness goals. So, what are you waiting for? Step up and become the fitness trainer you’ve always wanted to be today!

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