Track, Refine, Succeed: Superset Launches Client Workout History

NEW YORK, NY / October 24th, 2023 – Superset is bringing a fresh and dynamic feature to their platform: Client Workout History. This new addition promises to help fitness coaches track, assess, and personalize training for their clients. Watch the demo.

Your Client’s Fitness Journey at a Glance

Understanding a client’s journey is key to crafting the perfect program. With the Client Workout History feature, coaches can:

  1. Track Progress Over Time: See your client’s evolution, from day one till the program is complete.
  2. Personalize Workouts with Precision: With a consolidated view of past workouts, coaches can refine plans, avoiding repetition and ensuring each session brings clients a step closer to their goals.
  3. Celebrate Milestones Together: Recognize and celebrate significant achievements and milestones, strengthening the bond between coach and client. 

Seamless Integration, Enhanced Experience

The Client Workout History complements Superset’s existing features, including the recently launched Circuits in Superset Sheets:

  • Efficient Analysis: Dive deep into workout histories without switching tabs in your browser. Coaches can quickly navigate between the “Editor” and “Completed” states of a workout program to make changes or create progressions.
  • Empower Clients: In the iOS and Android app, clients can revisit past workouts, referencing previously entered workout data, and staying motivated and engaged as they see their progress stack up.
  • Optimal Performance: As with all features on Superset, speed and reliability are key. Coaches can access past workout data instantly, ensuring there’s no slowdown in their workflow.

Wrapping Up

Superset continues to merge the power of technology with the nuances of fitness coaching. By understanding the ever-evolving needs of online fitness coaches, Superset constantly innovates, ensuring both coaches and clients have the tools they need for success.

Whether you’re already a fan of Superset or are just hearing about it now, we invite all fitness professionals to experience the brilliance of Superset.

Dive into the future of fitness coaching at and get started for free today!

About Superset World, Inc

Superset collaborates with coaches across the spectrum, from those embarking on their coaching journey to established businesses raking in annual revenues of $100k, $300k, and even $1 million.

Their track record speaks volumes, with over 1K+ fitness professionals contributing to a staggering $5 million in revenue across the platform.

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