OnlyFans for Fitness?

If you’ve been anywhere on the internet in the past year, you’ve probably heard of OnlyFans. OnlyFans provides an easy way to post one-off photos and videos behind your own paywall. Because OF primarily supports creators who post explicit videos and photos on the internet, they are partially responsible for coining the modern definition of “members-only” content. For creators in the sex work industry, OF has provided a safe and effective way to monetize explicit content and services online.

Members-only content, in fitness?

In the fitness industry, selling PDF programs and workout videos has been commonplace for a few years now. But consumers are expecting more these days and COVID-19 has accelerated the reality that fitness professionals need to go online as a necessary way of doing business. This has resulted in many fitness creators investing in tools where they can offer interactive online workout programs, and in some cases, full-blown fitness apps. This is where Superset comes into play.

We allow fitness professionals to easily create and sell video-based workout programs in their own beautiful app-like experience. Similar to OnlyFans, Superset adds a paywall in front of your content.

One huge difference between Superset and OnlyFans is that our tools give fitness creators full control over how they can package and structure their content. Because fitness and nutrition coaching is inherently more linear than just following one-off photos and videos, our tools are an amazing way to package your content and provide nutrition plans, zoom links, and anything else you want to include as a part of your digital programming. For example:

  • One-time purchases are great for providing linear progression programs for a set amount of time (Week 1, Week 2, etc).
  • Monthly memberships are great for building recurring income and offering more free-form on-demand content (Strength, Cardio, HIIT, etc). 

And most importantly, what fitness creators create with Superset exists in their own white-labeled standalone universe (including your own URL, branding, and messaging). Because of this, you’ll never be positioned alongside other creators. Here’s some key callouts of our no-code tools below.

Mobile-first workout player

Superset’s workout player is like your own private Instagram story which makes it easy to provide your customers with easy-to-follow workouts and bite-sized content. We’ve received so much good feedback at this point from creators and consumers that offering a premium level of user experience is a gamechanger for building trust online.

Include resources in your programs

With our resources feature, you’re able to give your members valuable content to supplement their workouts: like checklists, in-take forms, instructional videos, course material, nutrition guides, access to weekly Zoom sessions, private chat groups, and anything else that exists in text, video, or image form!

Distribute through Instagram or email lists

Because Superset is a web-app, it’s *extremely* easy to distribute your products through your existing social media channels or email list. This is important because Superset is the most direct way to get people into your funnel so you can monetize your audience.

Your brand, your content, and your members

As we’ve said before, we believe you should own your content, brand, prices, products, and customers. Superset doesn’t pin or compare you against other trainers. You own your entire digital experience and all of your customers purchase directly from you. Whether you’re already creating exercise content, selling PDFs, or new to online fitness, you’ll be able to easily start by uploading exercises, workouts, or resources, and create as many programs as you’d like while in trial!

Here’s how to get started

It’s never been this easy to customize your own fitness app. We offer a free 14-day trial on our website and have put together some educational tips if you need some help getting started, like how to create and launch your fitness app in 14-Days.

If you’re still not sure how to start or whether Superset is right for you, let us know. You can email us directly at [email protected] and our team will respond right away.

Thanks for reading!

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